Author: Bhawana (Page 1 of 2)

I'm a published haiku poet, my first haiku poem appeared in 2019 in Cattails Journal, since then I've been writing. And my very first poem was published as one of the winner poem in children's magazine in 2011 :)

The simplicity of life fascinates me a lot.
And I want this blog to be the medium to share the thoughts I've long pondered upon.

I did a 30 days poetry writing challenge

The first half of 2023 was just plain empty in terms of writing. Because of work, I couldn’t write and also, there was a major writer’s block (yeah, that happens) 🙂

So after getting a chance to travel in May and June, I found my creativity back and started writing again. Although, didn’t publish many haiku/senryu. Well, I mostly write haiku poetry and in awe of this art. I wrote lot of poems and enjoyed the journey.

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How to write long poems?

You might have come across various styles of poetry, long, short, rhyming, non-rhyming, with imagery, without imagery etc etc.

So writing one, especially when you are a beginner seems a daunting task. And writing and re-writing the first draft becomes so tedious.

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How to find inspiration for your poems !

Poems, I believe, are an extra-ordinary moment in our ordinary lives. And writing one makes you feel so connected to yourself and your surrounding.

Few days ago while reading a book in our little garden, I saw at some distance there was a dove, trying to find twigs for the nest as the breeding season is approaching.

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